Thanks for taking the time to look at my site and to find out more about my journey that took me from a young girl with anorexia to an Olympian and England Rugby player. My career has taken many turns over the years , some turns so fast and furious that I have had to stop and understand more about myself - self-awareness and being consciously aware is something I believe we should all aim to have. My journey has now led me to sharing my story and the synergies in life, professional sport and the business world with the aim to create conversation, impact and change based on real situations and real people.

I have been fortunate enough to represent my country in two sports at International level in my career but these decisions were not easy ones to make in real time, it’s fair to say that life presents us with decisions daily… are we brave enough to confront them, stay true to our values and make the right one?

From winning World Cups to crashing out at corner 9, to walking out of contracts and losing my hair - let’s just say now I have finally hung up my boots I am digesting the last 25 years in my England shirt. As I take on a new challenge of transitioning into life after pro sport it now becomes about redefining success and understanding who I really am as I have the freedom to be myself.

I truly believe in values and knowing who you are. To be in a high performing role being self-aware and understanding your environment is a key segment; but how many of us want the environment tip top and rush our values, want results but can not deal with conflict! Conflict is a great way to organically gain feedback, so let’s embrace it and find the way to win!

My message is simple: “ Be brave enough to be yourself and courageous enough to use it and work with people in your way so that you win and they win! We all have the capability to leave a legacy so trust yourself, trust where you are and trust you’ve got this!”

Fish x